Friday, February 23, 2024

The Mountain - Editing Blog

 Welcome back! This will be another explanation of the editing progress. The "mountain" represents he tip of the editing process. Which means, this is where it got difficult. 

There was a long space within the editing process. No work was done. I was worrying! And knowing we had a handful of work to do, no one was available to dedicate their time for the final task. I couldn't let the team down, so I had to step in and actually help out with the putting the scenes together. I asked Natalie if I could help her out and she said yes so we got to work. We reminded Jaden as well to cooperate since he is also responsible for the editing.

During our work session, I realized half of our footage was missing to edit. I was freaking out! I tried seeing if I could restore previous media from our emails, but no use. Luckily, I contacted everyone on this issue and Angelica had the rest of them on her phone. I was relieved, I was saved, WE were saved. So I continued editing, I added sounds, special effects, and other things to recreate that eerie feeling. I even broke some tree twigs to create a crackling sound for each step of the film. It was scary! I was even scared. But that is all for now. Thank you for reading. 

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CCR - Baking

  Very proud of this video, but I hope you have a clear understanding. As well as continue to spread the importance of safety!