Sunday, December 17, 2023

Movie Convention: Train To Busan

This genre research will be on the horror film : Train To Busan

 What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

- The elements of the genre that I chose to base my final task on that this movie genre that I chose to base my final task on tat this movie is the editing. The movie has several different editing types. Includes fade in, fade out, jump cut, action match, reverse show, and eye line match. With these many different editing types it allows us for us to be able t do a variety of different editing for our final task.

What elements of the genre did this movie have that you like?

-The makeup is one aspect of the film that I enjoyed. Because of how lifelike the zombies were, I enjoyed the makeup. Additionally, the actors' worn-out appearance—which was enhanced by cuts, bruises, and black circles—created the impression that they were suffering greatly at the hands of the zombies. It demonstrates the extent of the zombies' damage and danger. I was particularly drawn to the outfit since it depicted how the zombies' hiding and running damaged their garments. It becomes more grounded as a result.

What element of the genre did this movie have that did not appeal to you?

-The characters are one of the genre's elements that I did not find appealing The main characters all seemed to want to die even though they were trying to survive, so even while I like the plot, I felt it should have been more about the supporting cast. The way they thought and acted confused the plot greatly. Additionally, I think that since it touched everyone, they ought to have given more attention to the other characters instead than just the son and daughter. Several diverse points of view would be preferable to just one. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Movie Convention: 47 Meters Down: Uncaged

 The genre research for this blog will be about the film : 47 Meter Down: Uncaged

What elements of the genre that you choose to base your final task on does this movie have?

- The lighting in the film is one of the features of the genre on which I decided to base my final assignment. The movie opens with incredibly bright lighting, but as it goes on, the lighting gets progressively drab and dismal. I selected these components because I believe that gloomy lighting is essential to evoking terror and darkness in horror films. not to mention for the harmony of light and dark illumination for our task.

What elements of the genre did this movie have that you like?

- The movie's narrative elements are what I found appealing. The movie opened with a bunch of adolescents having a typical day, which I thought was a nice way to start, but it quickly turned into one of the worst days of their lives. It doesn't jump around to the beginning or the middle; instead, it presents a continuous chronology. It facilitates following the plot more easily.

What element of the genre did this movie have that did not appeal to you?

- The setting is one of the genre's elements that I did not find appealing. The ocean served as the backdrop for the most of the movie. The movie's opening moments are the only ones where the location isn't the water. Having the water as the backdrop ultimately got terribly repetitious and dull to watch. Additionally, the scene was unappealing because it just displayed the dark, empty sea and ignored the vibrant, colorful portion of the ocean. It is why I did not find the environment appealing. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Movie Convention: Black Phone

This blog will be about the genre research for horror. The film chosen is called Black Phone. 

What Elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
- The aspect of this movie that I selected was because it belongs to the horror genre. Its numerous camera perspectives are one of its features. Numerous diverse camera views are inspired by the film. Establishing shots, over-the-shoulder shots, medium shots, medium-long shots, tracking shots, and close-up shots are among the camera angles. They represent possible approaches we might decide to take on the last challenge.

What elements of the genre did this movie have that you like?
- The tracking shots are one of the genre-defining aspects of the film that I enjoyed. The tracking shots enhanced the suspense and furthered the subject of the movie. The tracking shots that suggested terror and showed the subject's fear of being pursued added to the horror tone. This demonstrates how terrified the person making the horror movie is. Additionally conveys to the viewer the nature of the film.

What element of the genre did this movie have that did not appeal to you?
-The attire of the primary character, who is the terrifying kidnapper and grabber, is one of the genre's elements that did not appeal to me. In my opinion, the grabber's mask wasn't scary enough when compared to other films like IT. The mask appeared incredibly artificial as well. I think the horror movie would have a scarier effect if the mask had more fear. This will support the growth of the extremely intense horror genre.

Thank you for reading! 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Genre Decision For Final Task

 Hello! For our final task of the opening sequence, we decided to do the horror genre! It matches perfectly with all of our pitches so we decided it was only fair. Horror movies have really dark lighting and jump cuts, which would be a good mood to use for making a murder film; Christmas and mystery would not work because Christmas has a really bright positive mood, and mystery does not give as much suspense as horror does. That is why we chose horror as our genre. Our pitch idea is a murder mystery, and the movie elements like cams, clamps, sound, and editing work with what we were going for. But that is all for now, thank you for reading! 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Genre Topic - Christmas

 Genre: Christmas

Common CAMS: Medium close shot, medium shot, long shot, over-the-shoulder shot, close up.

Common CLAMPS: Teenage casual outfits and winter attire. The lighting is bright and bold. Makeup is simple/casual and natural. Props are trees, presents, and Christmas decorations. And the setting will be winter.

Common Editing: Fade out, fade in, and shot/reverse shot.  

Common Sound: Diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound, voice-over, ambient sound. 

Example films: A Christmas Special, Home Alone, How the Grinch Stole Christmas 

Likes in Genre: I love the festive vibe it gives, it prepares me for the holidays and gets me into a bright mood. Also, in some way, it feels nostalgic and gives me happy memories. 

Dislikes in Genre: It inputs an idea of what "Christmas" should be like. So it sets a standard for it, and then everyone tries to follow it. I think this is horrible because not everyone can achieve this standard and when they fail to, all of a sudden they have a bad Christmas.


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Genre Topic - Horror

 Commons CAMS: Birds eye view, panning shot, closed shot, tilted shots, high angles shots, tracking shots, and wide shots .

Common CLAMPS: Dark lighting, casual clothes, simple/casual makeup, dark setting or old vintage places. Props such as missing items or items used to "harm" someone. 

Common Editing: Fade out, jump cut, action match 

Common Sound: Dialogue, voice-over, ambient sound, non-diegetic sound. 

Example Films: Class Onion, Indiana Jones, Murder Mystery 2

Likes of the Genre:

I love the thrill it gives, it makes me actually engage with the film. Just something about the adrenaline rush is what makes me so interested.

Dislikes of the Genre: 

Really hard to master. Horror is complicated, and after seeing the top films within the genre, everything else just seems like a bootleg version of it. Same plot, same everything. So, I wish there was more originality, suspense, and a build-up to a jumpscare-type feeling. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Genre Topic - Drama

 Drama genre

Common CAMS: Close up shots are commonly found in the drama genre as they emphasize and highlight the subject and represent emotion within the characters.  Over the shoulder shots have a similar effect as they go into the character's feeling. Extreme close up shots also add suspense to a film. High angles cause the characters to look minuscule, which highlights the conflicts they will soon to be encountering. 

Common CLAMPS: Dark and dramatic makeup is often used in this genre. The settings used in this drama genre are bold. The lighting is dark and has certain highlights on specific subjects to emphasize things.

Common editing: Fade in and fade out transitions are frequently used as they create a feeling of conflict and suspense by elongating the scenes. Also, jump cuts create the same effect by doing the suspense of switching scenes quickly to make it more chaotic. 

Common sound: Dialogue; Actors conflicting with one another to create the "drama". This is because the lines may display an argument between the two. Diegetic sounds like gasps and sighs can add to the dramatic mood as well. Non-diegetic sounds like shock sound effects also add onto the mood.

Examples of film: Titanic (1997), To Kill a Mocking Bird, Little Women. 

Likes of the Genre: I love the suspense it gives and the lessons it teaches you. Since it contains conflict, its resolved within the film and I love learning the different ways to solve it. 

Dislikes of the Genre: Not sure if this counts as a specific dislike for this genre, but the feeling when you know something obviously is going to be bad. Like its so obvious the character made a wrong choice, its so frustrating.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Our Pitch

 Hello! To continue this final task, we have to talk about the pitches we created. First we have pitch A, which is teenager camping murdered. And then we have pitch B, which is  wife divorced walking road killed. 

I would not be interested in producing pitch A since the scenery could be difficult to achieve with some of our members. For example, Angelica isn't a fan of bugs or outside in general so camping can be a trouble. Also, it does cost money to go camping so that is a problem as well. Because as high school students, we don't really have money to freely spend. Also, our parents are against the idea due to safety concerns so this idea is difficult to do.

I would not be interested in pitch B because I feel like the scenery in where we will film is too broad and does not really impact the film. Its not as scary as the feeling we want to convey and it is the main part of what makes the film scary. Also, distance wise, I live a good hour or so far away from this location. My parents are not really a fan of driving long distance when we could just film in a closer place. Also, the idea itself is kind of hard to do since it does not really have a specific story, and its just a quick sequence but we cannot think of what type of plot or theme this connects to. 

However, our final decision is pitch A. We found a park that has the perfect scenery for that "forest" look. And, its free! So it is a win win for all of us. It also lets us film which is perfect for what we need and essential for our film scenery. Its also nearby all of us and easy access so its a good place where everyone can go and does not need to depend on one another to catch a ride. But that is all, thank you for reading!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Intro to Opening Sequence

 Greetings! My name is Andrea. I will be starting my final exam of an opening sequence for our movie. I'm feeling very confident about this process. Personally, I feel like I can be a very dedicated person to things I really am determined to do well at. And this final exam, I sure am determined. Although I can have my procrastination days, this is normal for everyone else so I don't let it determine who I am. We are only human after all. Nonetheless, I am ready for the upcoming journey of this final exam. The dilemmas, the scenery, everything. I love it all. I'm prepared to learn, and further expand my knowledge in the film world. All this filming is actually making me consider go in to the artistic part of careers. I always liked singing and acting, but never really had the confidence. So, I'm looking forward to my creative side. To fully express myself and share my art with others. As well as meeting new people and exploring many opportunities that will be brought to me. I also hope for everyone else to realize an interest into their creative sides. So that they can also share us their ideas. But that is all for now, thank you for reading. 

Group Movie Opening!

 Hello! Today starts the day of a new journey. Our movie opening sequence! I'm feeling more confident for this project since I'm doing with the same people I did it with last project. Angelica and Jayden are very reliable students that I work with in many classes. However, We do have a new member joining us. Natalie! Due to some circumstances last project, they couldn't really engage in a group consistently for the project, so she couldn't join us. But this time she is very eager to so I hope she stays with us this time.  Along with the rest of them, I hope this final exam does not come between us in any way. 

I have very high hopes for this one, also since we know each other already, we have knowledge of each others skills. But a thing I notice about the three is that they all have determination. Determination to get the job done. So this final exam will be a breeze for us due to our determination to have it finished. We've already been brainstorming some ideas, as well as where to film. Along with other characteristics such as hardworking, consistent, and brave. We work together very well, I hope this continues to be great just as it was last time. We haven't chosen any theme songs yet or a genre of music, but we're still looking forward to that. But so far, sort of a creepy song would be our theme. But that is all for now, thank you for reading. 

CCR - Baking

  Very proud of this video, but I hope you have a clear understanding. As well as continue to spread the importance of safety!